Our patron’s thoughts on the book:

“Every page is a gem. Interlocking stories of Olive Kitteridge as she and her neighbors in Crosby, Maine, deal with love, families, aging, disappointment and the endearing foibles of human beings.”

The publisher’s summary:

The iconic Olive struggles to understand not only herself and her own life but also the lives of those around her in the town of Crosby, Maine. Whether with a teenager coming to terms with the loss of her father, a young woman about to give birth during a hilariously inopportune moment, a nurse who confesses a secret high school crush, or a lawyer who struggles with an inheritance she does not want to accept, the unforgettable Olive will continue to startle us, to move us, and to inspire moments of transcendent grace.

Olive, Again is available as an ebook and digitial audiobook on OverDrive.